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L'Espresso Wine Guide of Italy 2017
5th place for the Brunello Riserva Corte dei Venti 2010

What we read in L'Espresso 2017's Italian Wines Guide can only fill our hearts with joy, confirming an extraordinary year full of satisfactions for our winery.
We would like to thank Andrea Grignaffini and Antonio Paolini (who curated the Guide), Maurizio Valeriani, Antonio di Spirito and the editorial staff, for appreciating our Riserva, giving it the 5th place in the category "100 wines to store", that is, those destined to refine and improve themselves over time.
Finally, we inform you that on Thursday the 20th of October we will be at the Leopolda Station in Florence with our riserva, to let you taste it together with the 50 best wines of each of the three categories proposed this year by the guide of the Espresso: the "100 wines to drink immediately "100 wines to store" and "100 wines to buy".

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Discover Corte dei Venti wines, schnapps and extra virgin olive oil. Buy them now on special offer in our online store.

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