why is the wine not vegan?
Here's the explanation

Curiosity about wine 20 Oct 2020

Our era is experiencing a great change in terms of food and wine, with the introduction of different products dedicated to the most assorted lifestyles, such as vegan.

Therefore, today there is a supply chain on the market for vegan products, which are those without elements of animal origin, preferring only the use of vegetable ones, according to an ethics of non-exploitation of living organisms.

In this viewpoint, have you ever wondered if vegans drink wine? But above all, is wine to be considered a vegan product?

Even if vegan wine labels are spreading more and more, it is important to know that these products cannot always be considered fully "vegan", in fact if you think that there is only grapes in wine, actually it is not true!

During the long vinification process that leads wine from the cellars to our tables, sometimes they use some products of animal origin that serve as adjuvants to clarify, purify and make the end product less cloudy.

It is not nonsense that adjuvants, for example, are added to the wine coming from eggs and dairy products but also fat parts of animals and fish: all these substances have the ability to capture the impurities present in the wine, refining and leading it to its final process before being marketed.

And even if it is true that these substances are then removed through a filtering process, it is not certain that some cells of these products of animal origin do not naturally remain in the wine, making it a no-vegan product for the purists of the category.

Finally, a vegan could probably drink wine thinking of a completely vegetable product, actually, he is also taking small particles of animals or fish, completely invalidating his diet!

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