22nd Brussels World Competition
Silver medal for Brunello Corte dei Venti 2011

The Concours Mondial de Bruxelles is one of the "unmissable" events for the world of wine. Bernard Burtschy (a well-known French journalist) says: "it is a competition where all of the "greats" of the world tasting are".
Mainly, the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles wants to offer to the consumers a guarantee: to distinguish wines of exceptional quality, real drinking experience and tasting from across the globe, for all price ranges .
Twenty-two years of experience allow the competition to be an important reference point in international wine competitions. Belgium can be proud to organize this one-of-a-kind and well-known event that is recognized by professionals and consumers around the world.
The producers from Montalcino who together with Corte dei Venti have established themselves in the 22nd edition of the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles are: Bottega SPA, La Togata, Mastrojanni,Podere Brizio, Tenuta di Sesta.

Award-winning wineries: http://results.concoursmondial.com/index.php

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